Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Hill Love

Hill love in the village of Kanonang in Kawangkoan, about 55 kilometers from Manado, North Sulawesi. Built in 2002 as a spiritual center in which all religions in Indonesia could gather, meditate and worship on the side where there are lush tropical hills and misty.

This hill called the Mount of love for the people of different religions can come together and coexist in worship as a symbol of religious harmony. There are five houses of worship here, a Catholic church, a Christian church, temples, mosques and Hindu temples are built on top of the second peak. At the first peak is a white cross with a height of 53 meters which can be seen even from the beach in Manado Boulevard. In addition, it is believed to be the place where the original ancestors of the Minahasa, Toar and Lumimuut live.

Sources : http://www.indonesia.travel/id/destination/93

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